Thursday, 27 August 2009
The Girl in the Fireplace
Depends on which bit you count as the ending. The Doc bursting through the mirror on a horse is reasonable enough (well, in relative terms), but the rebuilt fireplace sticks in the craw a bit. Surely the time window wasn't a physical part of the actual fireplace, it just happened to be in that place. Also: the mind-meld is fucking bullshit.
School Reunion
It's not a satisfying ending by any means, but I've got to admit it doesn't really cheat the viewer. It doesn't really do anything actually. Bit of a dull episode, although I've got a lot of time for "ignore the shooty dog thing".
Tooth and Claw
A few minor offences throughout (lots of characters turning up at exactly the right moment) but the ending does a good job of avoiding out-of-nowhereness. It's somewhat odd that I'd be annoyed if the Doctor had built the moonlight-gun-thing, but it's ok cos Prince Albert did it 20 years previously. Not sure where he got the technological knowhow to do that. Still, no real complaints.
New Earth
Yes. Or so I thought when I watched it. It's the classic Doctor-rigs-up-a-machine-to-save-the-world rubbish. But thinking about it, the decontamination showers were introduced earlier, and the hospital did have the cure to every disease. It's kind of unlikely that they were all primary-coloured liquids in plastic bags, but whatever. Either way it's kind of shit though.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
The Christmas Invasion
Yes. Completely. The Doctor wakes up and suddenly everything's ok. I have to say it actually works in this episode, since we're introducing David Tennant and so on. But there's no getting away from it.
Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways
YES. Foreshadowed up to fuck but it still doesn't make sense. Let me count the ways.
1. The Doctor rigs up a delta wave to kill the Daleks. Yes he doesn't use it. But, yikes. What the hell's a delta wave?
2. Bad Wolf? Why? What kind of message is that? Why not "hey Rose, open up the Tardis, y'know, like in Boom Town"? Worst foreshadowing ever.
3. "Oh btw, the Tardis likes you so it's going to TURN YOU INTO GOD." Yes, literally, god out of a machine. Amazing.
4. How to dissipate all of that horrid time energy? How about a snog. Yeah, makes perfect sense.
And it's such a great episode apart from that. Although, why is it called Parting of the Ways? Yes, a few characters part ways at the end, but that happens every week. It's blatantly just cos RTD thought it was cool. See also: Journey's End.
1. The Doctor rigs up a delta wave to kill the Daleks. Yes he doesn't use it. But, yikes. What the hell's a delta wave?
2. Bad Wolf? Why? What kind of message is that? Why not "hey Rose, open up the Tardis, y'know, like in Boom Town"? Worst foreshadowing ever.
3. "Oh btw, the Tardis likes you so it's going to TURN YOU INTO GOD." Yes, literally, god out of a machine. Amazing.
4. How to dissipate all of that horrid time energy? How about a snog. Yeah, makes perfect sense.
And it's such a great episode apart from that. Although, why is it called Parting of the Ways? Yes, a few characters part ways at the end, but that happens every week. It's blatantly just cos RTD thought it was cool. See also: Journey's End.
Boom Town
Oh my god yes. First of the biggies. "Oh btw, the Tardis doesn't like you so it's going to zap you into an egg at a dramatically convenient moment. Did I mention it could do that?" And no, it doesn't count as foreshadowing for Parting of the Ways.
The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances
This whole story is so beautifully structured (and generally just amazing and brilliant) that I really don't want to complain: Captain Jack as the accidental antagonist, his nanogenes as the key to the whole thing, etc. But... does it make sense that the nanogenes recognise Nancy's DNA and use it to fix everyone? I'm really not sure. Yes, thematically it's an absolute triumph, and the nanogenes were seeded very early on in the first episode, but it makes me uncomfortable. Still. Amazing.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Father's Day
Well sooooort of. I guess it's fairly predictable logic (in a sci fi time travelly way) that Pete killing himself would revert everything to normal. The Doctor getting the Tardis back with a mobile phone battery is one hell of a stretch, but thankfully he doesn't manage it. Question: why does Rose have to touch her past self to cause a paradox? Surely her very presence is a bit of a paradox in itself. Oh well.
The Long Game
Yes, and it is rubbish. Cathica manages to bring the station down with a metaphorical click of her fingers. How? Stupid episode. Still, good last bit.
Not sure. It's never made clear why the Dalek absorbs Rose's DNA and how that causes it to mutate. It's generally cheating to make the main baddie decide not to be a baddie at the last minute, too. Still, it is at least something that happens gradually throughout the episode. The Doctor seems to stumble on the Dalek-killing gun a bit too readily - it would've come in handy in Parting of the Ways, no? And if he's abandoning pacifism why didn't he stow it in the Tardis for safe-keeping? Oh, I dunno.
Aliens of London / World War Three
Not really, but it's such a crap ending that I'm going to... do the opposite of letting it off. Let it on? Whatever. Although I do like the bit where the Doctor bullshits some stuff about being able to explode stuff with his sonic screwdriver, and then it turns out that it actually is bullshit. Lol self-parody.
The Unquiet Dead
No. It helps that the aliens only turn evil in like the last ten minutes of the episode, so you don't spend the whole time wondering how they're gonna get out of this one. Ghost things are gaseous, so you can set fire to them. Makes sense. And it's nice to not have to say that sarcastically for once. I guess it's a bit convenient that Charles Dickens comes back to save them, though. Question: why is Charles Dickens even in this episode? It doesn't really hang a plot on him like The Shakespeare Code does.
The End of the World
Surprisingly not, unless you count the Doctor reversing Cassandra's transmat, which wasn't the proper ending. (And she comes back anyway. Oops! Spoilers.) The real ending was Jabe The Tree Lady sacrificing herself to save everyone, which isn't a terribly satisfying ending to be honest, but what are you gonna do.
Yes. Two, even: the "antiplastic" (what?) and Rose's sudden hidden gymnastic skills. But I'll let them off. It's the first episode, after all, and the real story is Rose meeting the Doctor, not the Doctor beating up the evil plastic thing. That's just a backdrop. The Doctor pops up out of nowhere to save Rose a couple of times during the course of the episode, but I can forgive that too. Never again, mind.
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